At the James Ranch we are dedicated to regenerative farming and ranching practices. Regeneration International defines this as "well-managed grazing practices stimulate improved plant growth, increased soil carbon deposits, and overall pasture and grazing land productivity while greatly increasing soil fertility, insect and plant biodiversity, and soil carbon sequestration. These practices not only improve ecological health, but also the health of the animal and human consumer through improved micro-nutrients availability and better dietary omega balances".
- We make decisions holistically, meaning we consider how our decisions affect the land, ecosystems, animals (both wild and domestic), families, communities, customers, and future generations.
- We consciously contribute to open space and the pastoral beauty that enhances our community.
- We feel predators have a place in this natural world and their role in maintaining balance in our ecosystems is welcomed and appreciated.
- We continue to build wildlife habitat.
- We know the value of wetlands and manage our livestock so that we enhance and protect these areas. By emulating nature and copying the grazing patterns of the vast herds eons ago, our grasses respond in wetlands and uplands.
- We monitor our water and soil quality knowing that proper livestock management can actually improve the health of our soil and water systems.
- We practice low-stress livestock handling and keep our livestock quiet and moving in their most natural fashion.
- We practice natural animal husbandry. This means that we calve with the grass in the spring when the weather is conducive to little ones starting their lives.
- We practice rotational grazing which grazes pastures at appropriate intervals for land/pasture improvement. This builds topsoil in watersheds and grasses which naturally out-compete noxious weeds.
- We do not feed our cattle or dairy cows grain, a very unnatural food for ruminants (like cattle) whose stomachs are designed to digest grass.
James Ranch Mission Statement
The integrity and distinction of the James Ranch is to be preserved for future generations by developing financially viable agricultural and related enterprises that sustain a profitable livelihood for the families directly involved, while improving the land, and encouraging the use of all resources, natural and human, to their highest and best potential.